Trademark design

Trademark, Service-mark, And Copyright: Difference, Importance, & Impact

Brand plays a vital role in keeping your business and its offerings distinct by giving it a unique identity in the marketplace. The key to influence the customers is the way you portray your product or service to the public, which makes them buy or connect with your business or the products and services that[…]

trademark attorney

Hire A Trademark Attorney: Important points one must consider

Filing a trademark application is a complex process that requires a detailed legal understanding. However, if somebody opts for a Federal Trademark Registration, then he or she can do it on their own. The USPTO website allows an individual to take help of a free tool named Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) through which applicants can file[…]

A Quick Guide to Trademark Electronic Search System

A Comprehensive Guide to Know Trademark Electronic Search System

The Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) is a database of every trademark that one registers or applies for. Each record in it includes many important elements of the mark. Each element is a searchable piece of information. The trademark electronic search system allows you to find any marks that have common elements. It contains the[…]

How to Perform a Trademark Search to Avoid Infringement?

How to perform a trademark search? If this is something you are wondering about then this article will be of immense use. When you start a new brand, product, or company, you must ensure that you have a unique name, or mark. This helps you to effectively market your product. Here comes the importance of[…]

Trademark Search Database

A thorough search on a trademark search database helps to avoid potential litigations. It is the most crucial step for the Trademark registration and helps to avoid the infringement of any similar mark. Moreover, you must perform a trademark search before investing in a trademark. It is very important to make sure that you are[…]

How to conduct a Trademark Search?

Trademark search refers to any action for the purpose of determining whether a proposed mark is already in use in commerce. The search can be narrow in nature or can be broad enough to include results from every avenue. An appropriate search strategy constitutes of the nature of the mark and the nature of goods[…]

Trademark Search: Why is it so Important for your business?

Prior to filing a trademark application, a simple question is asked, “Have you conducted a trademark search?” We know that this is the basic question, each company or an agent asks, but the point is that it is highly and equally important to know that your trademark is not confusingly similar to the other exiting[…]

Trademark Monitoring: A Useful Tool for Individual Trademarks

With major changes taking place and a new milestone achieved every day, trademark monitoring is essential as trademarks are the centrality of any brand. The reason that the trademarks are so important is that they provide a better position or stance in a lawsuit and cuts a large section of an obstacle-free profitable market by[…]

Trademark Search Categories

Trademark search means to perform a search for checking whether the chosen mark, is valid (not used by any company, business, organization, or individual) or invalid (already taken by some other group as their trademark). This search is generally performed before going for registration of the mark or before filing. This search helps to mitigate[…]

complete trademark search

How to perform an Effective and Complete Trademark Search?

Trademark Search is one of the most important elements in overall trademark registration process. Though it is not mandatory as per statutory rules, still, it is advisable because down the lines it is going to serve you a lot. No matter whether you wish to avoid others from using your marks or you wish to avoid yourself[…]