Hire A Trademark Attorney: Important points one must consider

Filing a trademark application is a complex process that requires a detailed legal understanding. However, if somebody opts for a Federal Trademark Registration, then he or she can do it on their own. The USPTO website allows an individual to take help of a free tool named Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) through which applicants can file[…]

How to conduct a Trademark Search?

Trademark search refers to any action for the purpose of determining whether a proposed mark is already in use in commerce. The search can be narrow in nature or can be broad enough to include results from every avenue. An appropriate search strategy constitutes of the nature of the mark and the nature of goods[…]

Complete Trademark Search-Meaning, Process, and its Significance

What is complete trademark search? A complete trademark search is an act of excavating various trademark databases to ensure that the intended mark is safe to be taken. This is done to ensure that the intended mark is not going to infringe someone else taken a mark. Without a complete trademark search, you may risk[…]

Risks Associated with Filing a Trademark all by Yourself

Risks Associated with Filing a Trademark all by Yourself

Trademarks and trademark filing is important because it lets consumers find the source of the product and thus allowing them to find the quality they are willing to purchase. Though it might be very tempting to file a trademark of your own viewing its economic benefits, still, it has many inherent risks those should be[…]

How to perform an Effective and Complete Trademark Search

How to perform an Effective and Complete Trademark Search?

Trademark Search is one of the most important elements in overall trademark registration process. Though it is not mandatory as per statutory rules, still, it is advisable because down the lines it is going to serve you a lot. No matter whether you wish to avoid others from using your marks or you wish to avoid yourself[…]

Things to know about U.S. trademark filing

4 things to know about U. S. trademark filing

Filing trademark is one of the most potent ways to protect your brand from unlawful uses, however, we need to realize is that the process is not as simple as it looks superficially. There are plenty of subtleties those we need to address before filing for a trademark. This becomes even more important in a[…]

Five Important Things to Know Before Filing for a Trademark

Every company irrespective of the size sells their products and services using a brand name, a logo or a tagline. These brand names, logos, and taglines are the intellectual properties of a particular company and thus they have rights to enforce them in case someone else is infringing upon it. However, if you wish to[…]

What are the Reasons to Conduct a Professional Trademark Search

What are the Reasons to Conduct a Professional Trademark Search?

Trademarks are one of the most potent ways to protect a brand from competitors; however, getting a trademark may be a costly affair if it is not accompanied by a thorough and professional trademark search. It is wise to invest a little money rather than paying a hefty sum after being encountered with a trademark infringement.[…]

Federal Trademark Search: How to Conduct for your Trademark?

Trademark search is important when it comes to protecting the identity of a product or service. Trademark search is a broad domain that involves doing trademark related search on various databases and platforms, still, the most important among these is, federal trademark search, wherein we search the Trademark Electronic Search System provided by the United States[…]

How to Conduct a Trademark Search

How to Conduct a Trademark Search?

Viewing the fact that trademark infringement is a costly affair, it is prudent to ensure right at the beginning that you are investing in safe mark and hence comes the importance of a comprehensive, reliable and full trademark search that can give you valuable insight about the mark you are intending to file. Though it[…]

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