Trademark Searches

Trademark Searches: An Overview

Trademark searches refer to brand registration searches. The trademark of a company is the most important feature of its existence. Once the company applies for the trademark registration and gets the grant, it can start using the trademark symbol. One can classify the trademark searches into different classes. A trademark search class can be a[…]

Trademark Clearance Search – an Elementary Guide with Benefits

Trademark Clearance Search – An Elementary Guide with Benefits

Many individuals and companies perform a trademark clearance search before going with a logo for their organization.  It requires conducting thorough research through databases of USPTO. But going through just the USPTO database is not enough as USPTO approves trademark rights solely on use and not on registration. Therefore, make sure you perform a comprehensive[…]

Comprehensive Guide for TESS

A Comprehensive Guide for TESS

Trademark Electronic Search System or TESS, is a search system of USPTO trademark applications. It includes submitted, registered i.e. LIVE as well as abandoned (DEAD) trademark applications. Before filing a trademark application it is pretty much wise decision if you go for a thorough search into the databases. This allows you to determine whether you[…]

Comprehensive Trademark Search

What is Comprehensive Trademark Search?

If you’re filing a trademark, then it is highly advisable to conduct a comprehensive trademark search with the USPTO. You might come up with a unique word/phrase for the product or service that needs a trademark. However, you need to be certain that your word/phrase doesn’t overlap with a pre-existing trademark. Hence, it is vital[…]

Trademark For Your Business Its Significance in the Long Run

Trademark For Your Business: Its Significance in the Long Run

Trademark registration has always been an important aspect for business holders. In past years, more and more organizations and businesses are opting for a strong trademark for their firm. Those who understand the merits and applicability of having a federal level of protection for their businesses, never ‘hem and haw’ about thinking of a better option.[…]

Successful Trademark Search: A Comprehensive Checklist for you

Successful Trademark Search: A Comprehensive Checklist for you Are you among those who want to drive a successful trademark search? If yes, then this article is definitely going to help you get a quick checklist to conduct a trademark search. Majority of trademark professionals prefer Google to conduct searches to find similar matches in jurisdiction[…]

Can I Conduct A Trademark Search Before Using Trademark?

Despite the fact that a trademark search is the most vital and basic step while registering a trademark, still it is often ignored. While registering for a new trademark for your products that basically explains your thoughts and core marketing strategies, a trademark search must always be considered as relevant and must always be conducted[…]

How to perform an Effective and Complete Trademark Search

How to perform an Effective and Complete Trademark Search?

Trademark Search is one of the most important elements in overall trademark registration process. Though it is not mandatory as per statutory rules, still, it is advisable because down the lines it is going to serve you a lot. No matter whether you wish to avoid others from using your marks or you wish to avoid yourself[…]

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