When a company is operating in multiple jurisdictions it becomes important for them to protect their brands globally and this is where the importance of international trademark search lies in. An international/worldwide trademark search is generally conducted by companies that are exporting their products and services overseas and makes their business-related procedures smooth.
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What is a Worldwide Trademark Search?
An worldwide trademark search is essentially a kind of trademark search; however, unlike national trademark search where we conduct trademark search on a single national register, with this, we search on trademark registers of multiple countries either individually or through a common search platform like the WIPO trademark search database.
Why should companies do International Trademark Search?
- Help companies determine if their intended mark is already in use in the jurisdiction of their interest
- Help companies choose a unique name/logo and other tangible identification marks for their brands
- Help companies determine the degree of protection they can seek for with their intended mark
- Assists companies determine if they will infringe on someone else’ rights by proceeding with the intended marks
- Important for identifying the existence of similar or infringing marks abroad
When should companies avoid doing International Trademark Search?
When a company is operating locally (single jurisdiction) doing worldwide trademark search will be mere a wastage of time and resources. In such circumstances doing a trademark search on the national register of the intended jurisdiction is more than enough.
How to do an International Trademark Search?
An international trademark search is essentially a kind of trademark search conducted in the national register of multiple jurisdictions individually or through some common trademark search database like the WIPO. Whichever way you may go, it is necessary to do searches in three different lines:
- Word search [intended to find relevant word marks that can interfere with your intended mark]
- Image search [intended to find relevant images like logos that can interfere with your intended design]
- Device mark search [ intended to protect a design or appearance of your intended mark]
The worldwide trademark search is not something that can be achieved simply by running a single search on a single database. It is a kind of doing multiple searches on various jurisdictions. At the most, the searcher can do a trademark search on common search platform like the WIPO that pulls data from the principal registers of member countries.
Common mistakes related to International Trademark Search
Misconception # 1- International trademark search is a single and individual search on a single database.
Misconception # 2- Translation of company names and trademarks is not necessary
Misconception # 3- Planning a trademark search is not required while doing an international trademark search
Misconception # 4- A newbie can also do an international trademark search
We will help you to set up, advance, and secure your mark in a specific in order to get a powerful balance. Allow our team at, TMReady (Formerly The Trademark Search Company), comprising of TM Search experts who will help you conquer the domain you desire. Also, do visit our service page to have a detailed insight into our searching and monitoring services.
Contact Now – Comprehensive International Trademark Search – Flat $499 (included 124+ countries)