Comprehensive Global Trademark Search


  • Coverage: 184 Countries
  • For Custom Price Quote, Click here


Comprehensive Global Trademark Search takes your trademark search to a deeper level where we will be searching trademark databases of more than 184 different countries with various keywords, search phrases and strings.

This Multi-Country Global Search helps you do a comprehensive trademark search early in the clearing process, saving you time and money. With this service, our trademark search analysts go beneath the surface, delivering in-depth information to help you make more informed trademark decisions.

Important features of Comprehensive Global Trademark Search package:

  • 184 countries will be under the scope
  • Pinpoints identical trademarks, variant spellings, phonetic variations and country equivalents
  • This search will be a critical step in your trademark risk management
  • This search gives comprehensive information and opinion you need to assess the availability of your proposed trademark for global use and registration
  • Common law searches will be performed with various data sources like SEC filings, internet search results, yellow pages, business names & records, financial sources (like Hoovers, Dow Jones (Standard & Poor).

Comprehensive Global Trademark Search covers the following regions. Available regionally or worldwide.

S. No.CountryS. No.CountryS. No.CountryS. No.CountryS. No.Country
1Afghanistan41Dominica81Kyrgyzstan121Rhodesia161Bosnia and Herzegovina
2Albania42Ecuador82Laos122Romania162British Virgin Islands
3Algeria43Egypt83Latvia123Russia163Caribbean Netherlands
4Andorra44El Salvador84Lebanon124Rwanda164Cayman Islands
5Angola45Estonia85Lesotho125Samoa165Czech Republic
6Anguilla46Ethiopia86Libya126San Marino166Dominican Republic
7Argentina47EUIPO87Liechtenstein127Saudi Arabia167French Polynesia
8ARIPO48Fiji88Lisbon128Serbia168Marshall Islands
9Armenia49Finland89Lithuania129Seychelles169North Macedonia
10Aruba50France90Macao130Sierra Leone170Northern Cyprus
11Australia51Gambia91Madagascar131Singapore171Papua New Guinea
12Austria52Georgia92Malawi132Sint Maarten172Republic of Korea
13Azerbaijan53Germany93Malaysia133Slovakia173Saint Kitts and Nevis
14Bahamas54Ghana94Malta134Slovenia174Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
15Bahrain55Gibraltar95Mauritius135South Africa175Sao Tome and Principe
16Bangladesh56Greece96Mexico136Spain176Trinidad and Tobago
17Barbados57Grenada97Moldova137Sri Lanka177Turks and Caicos Islands
18Belarus58Guatemala98Monaco138St. Lucia178United Arab Emirates
19Belize59Guernsey99Mongolia139Sudan179United Kingdom
20Benelux60Guyana100Montenegro140Suriname180West Bank
23Bolivia63Hong Kong103Mozambique143Switzerland183Zambia
27Bulgaria67Indonesia107New Zealand147Thailand
30Cape Verde70Israel110Norway150Turkey
34Costa Rica74Jersey114Panama154Uruguay
35Croatia75Jordan115Paraguay155US (USPTO)
39Denmark79Kurdistan119Portugal159Viet Nam
40Djibouti80Kuwait120Puerto Rico160Antigua and Barbuda


  • Global Trademark Search covers 184+ countries and US (52) States and Common Law is a add-on in global package.
  • Translation of local language goods and services into English language, would be charge extra.
  • Normal customization would not charge, but it depends based on efforts and number of hours. Any customization which takes more than one hour will be charge accordingly.


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