Difference between Trade name & Trademark

Although the terms trade name and trademark may sound likewise, yet they are different under the law and offer different protection. One of the complex lines that you come across is, ‘it is not necessary to hold a trademark on a trade name; however you can apply for one’. Also, you might have come across[…]

Can I Conduct A Trademark Search Before Using Trademark?

Despite the fact that a trademark search is the most vital and basic step while registering a trademark, still it is often ignored. While registering for a new trademark for your products that basically explains your thoughts and core marketing strategies, a trademark search must always be considered as relevant and must always be conducted[…]

Conducting a Trademark Search

Conducting a Trademark Search (Wordmark): Best Practices

Conducting a trademark search is something that requires in-depth knowledge and understanding of trademark law and is possible only for trademark search professionals who are skilled in this art. And hence, it has become important for people to know what works and what doesn’t in the domain of trademark search. Best practices for conducting a trademark[…]

Trademark in US

A Quick and Comprehensive Guide to Understand Trademark in US

Wish to protect your brands in the United States then applying for trademark could be the best possible option. However, getting a trademark in the United States is not a cake walk as applicants are required to meet many requirements. Failing to meet those requirements can make or break your objective. With this article, we have[…]

What are the Purposes of Performing a Trademark Research

What are the Purposes of Performing a Trademark Research?

Online searching is one of the most convenient ways to gather information these days. With the advent of efficient search engines like Google, things have become even handier and people can find their information in almost no time. People are so accustomed to searching the web that they might mistakenly assume that searching for a[…]

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