Why and how to monitor trademarks?

Why and how to monitor trademarks?

Trademarks are assets of any company and thus it is important for owners to take care of their assets. Monitoring trademarks continuously and throughout the year is one of the means to take care of these invaluable assets and thus with this article we came up with some facts that will underline why it is[…]

Trademark in US

A Quick and Comprehensive Guide to Understand Trademark in US

Wish to protect your brands in the United States then applying for trademark could be the best possible option. However, getting a trademark in the United States is not a cake walk as applicants are required to meet many requirements. Failing to meet those requirements can make or break your objective. With this article, we have[…]

What is Trademark Electronic Search System All About?

Conducting a thorough and comprehensive trademark search to protect a product or brand is important. Assuming the fact that you are a business operating from the United States, Trademark Electronic Search System is one of the most preferred trademark search database that has gained huge popularity among trademark search professionals. This database contains hundreds and[…]

How to Accomplish USPTO Trademark Search for Marks?

While conducting USPTO trademark search, the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) is the most trusted and relied trademark search database. Conducting trademark search in TESS database requires specialized skills, a passion for details, and great knowledge on trademark regulatory norms. TESS may not have the most attractive user interface. However, it offers surprisingly flexible search[…]

How to Do a Full Trademark Search

How to Do a Full Trademark Search?

What is a Trademark Search? Before you commit your hard earned money and valuable resources to a mark, it is important to do a full trademark search. A full trademark search can help ensure your business or product name is available. In an era wherein every now and then you can find litigation related to[…]

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