Trademark Search Database

A thorough search on a trademark search database helps to avoid potential litigations. It is the most crucial step for the Trademark registration and helps to avoid the infringement of any similar mark. Moreover, you must perform a trademark search before investing in a trademark. It is very important to make sure that you are[…]

Things to know about U.S. trademark filing

4 things to know about U. S. trademark filing

Filing trademark is one of the most potent ways to protect your brand from unlawful uses, however, we need to realize is that the process is not as simple as it looks superficially. There are plenty of subtleties those we need to address before filing for a trademark. This becomes even more important in a[…]

Features & Scopes of OHIM Trademark Search Database

Features & Scopes of OHIM Trademark Search Database

When it comes to doing trademark search, in the European Union, OHIM trademark search database provided by the European Union Intellectual Property Office is the one that tops the ladder. The European Union Intellectual Property Office, or EUIPO is the trade mark and designs registry for the internal market of the European Union. It is based in Alicante,[…]

What is Trademark Electronic Search System All About?

Conducting a thorough and comprehensive trademark search to protect a product or brand is important. Assuming the fact that you are a business operating from the United States, Trademark Electronic Search System is one of the most preferred trademark search database that has gained huge popularity among trademark search professionals. This database contains hundreds and[…]

Why & How to Do a Trademark Name Search?

Irrespective of the industry you are operating in, starting a new business can be overwhelming, confusing and exciting all at once. There are plenty of things we need to deal while initiating a business like financing, advertising, ownership and organization structure etc. However, one area that is neglected by many is ensuring that the name[…]

Trademark Monitoring An Effective Brand Protection Strategy

Trademark Monitoring: An Effective Brand Protection Strategy

As a trademark owner, it’s important for companies to do trademark monitoring of their marks throughout the year and round the clock. Many times clients say that they are witnessing a sharp decline in their overall sale and they start restructuring and reorganizing their sales channel. However, as an informed business owner, we must agree[…]

Understanding Various Features of USPTO Trademark Search Database

USPTO Trademark Search Database: when trademark search professionals conduct a trademark search, the USPTO website offers plenty of opportunities and options for them. The USPTO trademark search database is the most preferred database that is available to searchers and trademark professionals. With this article, our main aim is to highlight how we should do a[…]

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