Trademark, Service-mark, And Copyright: Difference, Importance, & Impact

Brand plays a vital role in keeping your business and its offerings distinct by giving it a unique identity in the marketplace. The key to influence the customers is the way you portray your product or service to the public, which makes them buy or connect with your business or the products and services that[…]

How to Perform a Trademark Search to Avoid Infringement?

How to perform a trademark search? If this is something you are wondering about then this article will be of immense use. When you start a new brand, product, or company, you must ensure that you have a unique name, or mark. This helps you to effectively market your product. Here comes the importance of[…]

Trademark Registration A Useful Key To Strengthen Your Brand

Trademark Registration: A Useful Key To Strengthen Your Brand

A trademark may be anything such as name, symbol, word, device, numerals, etc. According to a recent intellectual property survey, the trademark covers one-third of total corporate value. Trademark registration is considered to be a valuable asset, and it offers numerous benefits. Trademark Registration: How Is It Beneficial To Your Brand? Trademark registration gives the proprietor the[…]

Things to know about U.S. trademark filing

4 things to know about U. S. trademark filing

Filing trademark is one of the most potent ways to protect your brand from unlawful uses, however, we need to realize is that the process is not as simple as it looks superficially. There are plenty of subtleties those we need to address before filing for a trademark. This becomes even more important in a[…]