Trademark Penalties: Learn These ‘Don’ts’ To Avoid Them!

Any word, name, text, or symbol that is used to mark/ identify one’s property, goods, services, etc. is a Trademark. A registered trademark will mark the belongings in the owner’s name, and no one else is holding a right/ authority to use the same mark without the owner’s consent. Trademark laws protect the rights of[…]

Trademark Registration A Useful Key To Strengthen Your Brand

Trademark Registration: A Useful Key To Strengthen Your Brand

A trademark may be anything such as name, symbol, word, device, numerals, etc. According to a recent intellectual property survey, the trademark covers one-third of total corporate value. Trademark registration is considered to be a valuable asset, and it offers numerous benefits. Trademark Registration: How Is It Beneficial To Your Brand? Trademark registration gives the proprietor the[…]

Trademark Watch Professional Why to Hire Only 'The Best' for your Mark

Trademark Watch Professional: Why to Hire Only ‘The Best’ for your Mark?

Trademark Watching is a utility through which the Trademark Watch Professional watches a registered trademark to ensure that no one else is infringing the trademark. Trademark Watch Professional will identify same or similar trademark, that might infringe its authenticity. This work can even be sometimes carried out by the trademark owners. Otherwise, If in case[…]

Bursting the Bubble of Myths Surrounding Trademark Filing

Trademark filing is one of the most important ways to protect your brand from unlawful uses and manipulations.  If you have a registered trademark you can enforce your rights in case someone infringes your intellectual properties. A trademark is assigned either to a word, image, logo, graphics, sound, color combination, sound and even smell. Trademark[…]

Five Important Things to Know Before Filing for a Trademark

Every company irrespective of the size sells their products and services using a brand name, a logo or a tagline. These brand names, logos, and taglines are the intellectual properties of a particular company and thus they have rights to enforce them in case someone else is infringing upon it. However, if you wish to[…]

US Trademark Registration Top Ten Benefits for your Business

US Trademark Registration: Top Ten Benefits for your Business

When you are about to institute a business it is important to think protecting your brands. Applying for Trademark is one of those means through which we can ensure our brands are protected from being abused. Trademarks are highly valuable assets. Developing and protecting trademarks is not a mere “cost of doing business,” but rather[…]

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