Latest USPTO Trademark Rule: Everything You Need to Know

Trademark registration comes with a number of benefits. However, you must follow every USPTO trademark rule carefully to run the process smoothly. A trademark is any word, logo, symbol, or phrase that represents a product or an organization. Also, it protects the intellectual property of a company. Also, your trademark must own the following qualities[…]

Trademark Penalties: Learn These ‘Don’ts’ To Avoid Them!

Any word, name, text, or symbol that is used to mark/ identify one’s property, goods, services, etc. is a Trademark. A registered trademark will mark the belongings in the owner’s name, and no one else is holding a right/ authority to use the same mark without the owner’s consent. Trademark laws protect the rights of[…]

Not All Trademark Errors Are Fixable, Learn How to Avoid Them Here

Not All Trademark Errors Are Fixable, Learn How to Avoid Them Here!!

We all deal with many trademarks every day. Trademark is an IP mark or a symbol that distinguishes one’s products or services from other businesses. It is an excellent way to create a brand name that makes it easier for customers to recognize them. Since the trademark is a valuable asset, it is, therefore, essential[…]

Perform Trademark Watching: Significance for your Trademark

Most organizations analyze the advantages of registering corporate brands as trademarks in the countries and regions in which they trade, fabricate and transport their items. However, registration is just the initial phase in the viable utilization and security of a picked brand, organization or company name. With a specific end goal to guarantee that significant[…]

Experienced Trademark Attorney: How to find one for your need?

Hiring an attorney has always been a good option to proceed while trademark filing. They help in filing lawsuits in court and presenting your case in front of a judge in case of infringement. So, hiring an experienced trademark attorney for your trademark will always be worth. Trademark attorney plays an important role in the[…]

How to conduct a Trademark Search?

Trademark search refers to any action for the purpose of determining whether a proposed mark is already in use in commerce. The search can be narrow in nature or can be broad enough to include results from every avenue. An appropriate search strategy constitutes of the nature of the mark and the nature of goods[…]

Trademark Clearance Search Mistakes

4 Mistakes while doing Trademark Clearance Search ! 3rd Mistake Might Cause Huge Loss to Your Brand

While registering for a trademark, we always search for similar marks or related marks to find out whether our symbol is unique or not. Two trademarks are said to be similar when they are either visually or connotatively similar. If any other similar marks are found, then one must change the mark to avoid the[…]