Trademark Searching: Choosing the Right Trademark to Suit Your Need

Before conducting a trademark search, it is very indispensable to know what a trademark is and what does it includes.  Trademark is a symbol, word, or words legally established to represent a company or its products. It includes a logo, stamp, emblem, badge, symbol, sign and many more. The major objective of incorporating trademark searching is to[…]

Can I Conduct A Trademark Search Before Using Trademark?

Despite the fact that a trademark search is the most vital and basic step while registering a trademark, still it is often ignored. While registering for a new trademark for your products that basically explains your thoughts and core marketing strategies, a trademark search must always be considered as relevant and must always be conducted[…]

Trademark Search: Why is it so Important for your business?

Prior to filing a trademark application, a simple question is asked, “Have you conducted a trademark search?” We know that this is the basic question, each company or an agent asks, but the point is that it is highly and equally important to know that your trademark is not confusingly similar to the other exiting[…]

Conducting a trademark search in United States

Conducting a trademark search in United States – What to keep in mind?

Trademark search in the United States is something that a professional trademark search company come across frequently and thus, it is better to understand its delicacies and subtleties right at the beginning before doing a comprehensive trademark search. No matter whether you are a start-up or a well-established company, protecting your brand value is important at every[…]