Before Filing A Trademark Application Points To Consider

Before Filing A Trademark Application: Points To Consider

Trademark is one of those important intellectual assets that can help businesses establish their own identity and recognition in the market. Thus, it is important for business owners and entrepreneurs to make a clear-cut plan about how to brand their products and how should they go about filing their trademarks. Like patents, trademarks should also[…]

Hire A Trademark Attorney: Important points one must consider

Filing a trademark application is a complex process that requires a detailed legal understanding. However, if somebody opts for a Federal Trademark Registration, then he or she can do it on their own. The USPTO website allows an individual to take help of a free tool named Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) through which applicants can file[…]

Trademark Fundamentals for Start-ups and Businesse to grow

The increasing awareness of trademark fundamentals goes hand in hand with the growing competition in the technology industry. Even though the game is intense, building up a trademark is essential for any business. With contenders battling about regular words that have been used for quite a long time, it’s no big surprise that the new[…]

Trademark Search: Why is it so Important for your business?

Prior to filing a trademark application, a simple question is asked, “Have you conducted a trademark search?” We know that this is the basic question, each company or an agent asks, but the point is that it is highly and equally important to know that your trademark is not confusingly similar to the other exiting[…]