
Can Trademark Knockout Search Help in Trademark Registration?

WHAT IS A TRADEMARK KNOCKOUT SEARCH? The U. S. Patent and Trademark Office registers around 2.7 million trademarks each year. Moreover, it also grants approximately 4 lakh new registrations per year. The race for getting a trademark was at an all-time high during the past two years during the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2020, the USPTO received around 7.4[…]

Trademark Search: Why is it so Important for your business?

Prior to filing a trademark application, a simple question is asked, “Have you conducted a trademark search?” We know that this is the basic question, each company or an agent asks, but the point is that it is highly and equally important to know that your trademark is not confusingly similar to the other exiting[…]

How to perform an Effective and Complete Trademark Search

How to perform an Effective and Complete Trademark Search?

Trademark Search is one of the most important elements in overall trademark registration process. Though it is not mandatory as per statutory rules, still, it is advisable because down the lines it is going to serve you a lot. No matter whether you wish to avoid others from using your marks or you wish to avoid yourself[…]

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