Comprehensive Trademark Search

What is Comprehensive Trademark Search?

If you’re filing a trademark, then it is highly advisable to conduct a comprehensive trademark search with the USPTO. You might come up with a unique word/phrase for the product or service that needs a trademark. However, you need to be certain that your word/phrase doesn’t overlap with a pre-existing trademark. Hence, it is vital[…]

What is common law trademark search and why is it important

What is common law trademark search and why is it important?

Common law search is an important aspect of comprehensive trademark search process and every professional trademark search service provider undertake this task at some point in their professional life. With this article, our main aim is to understand what common law trademark search is all about and how to do it.   What is Common[…]

Trademark Search A Quick Guide to Understand TM Search

Trademark Search: A Quick Guide to Understand TM Search

What is a Trademark? A trademark is a unique expression that a business can use to distinguish their business’ goods or services from those of other traders. The term ‘Trademark’ is a broad term that encompasses word, slogan, photograph, logo, graphic, color combination, sound or even smell. Once assigned, the concerned party can enjoy the[…]

Prime Required Resources for Conducting a Common Law Search

Prime Required Resources for Conducting a Common Law Search

A comprehensive trademark search will be incomplete without doing a common law search because it lets searcher find even those marks that are not in the official records. In fact, the grant of trademarks in the United States is based on a first-use system and trademark rights can be established simply by continuous use of[…]

What all Fields Parameters Can be Used to Conduct a Trademark Search

What all Fields/ Parameters Can be Used to Conduct a Trademark Search?

When you are trying to protect your brand it is important to go for a comprehensive trademark search that can do justice to your invested time and resources. However, a comprehensive trademark search can be accomplished only when we use all the parameters provided in the search database. These parameters can either be in the[…]

Why Use a TM Search Expert to Conduct Trademark Search

Why Use a TM Search Expert to Conduct Trademark Search?

Conducting a trademark search is not a rocket science; still, it is something that requires deep understanding of trade laws, regulatory framework of the intended jurisdiction and expertise in database search strategy. For uninitiated, doing a comprehensive, reliable and authentic trademark research could be a tough nut to crack and hence we need a TM[…]

Phonetic Search Why it must be the center of attention

Phonetic Search: Why it must be the center of attention?

Doing a Phonetic Search of a trademark is something that should be of top priority when you are serious about protecting your brand. If left unattempted and unaddressed you may be flirting with your financial investment and hence it is important to ensure right at the beginning that your mark is phonetically not similar to[…]

Conducting a trademark search in United States

Conducting a trademark search in United States – What to keep in mind?

Trademark search in the United States is something that a professional trademark search company come across frequently and thus, it is better to understand its delicacies and subtleties right at the beginning before doing a comprehensive trademark search. No matter whether you are a start-up or a well-established company, protecting your brand value is important at every[…]