Features & Scopes of OHIM Trademark Search Database

When it comes to doing trademark search, in the European Union, OHIM trademark search database provided by the European Union Intellectual Property Office is the one that tops the ladder. The European Union Intellectual Property Office, or EUIPO is the trade mark and designs registry for the internal market of the European Union. It is based in Alicante,[…]

Important Trademark Search Fields Used in TESS Database

When it comes to trademark search, Trademark Electronic Search Database is one of the databases that are used overwhelmingly by trademark search professionals or trademark search firms. The database also called as TESS is provided by the United States Patent and Trademark Office and is one of the sought after trademark search databases in the[…]


Prime Required Resources for Conducting a Common Law Search

A comprehensive trademark search will be incomplete without doing a common law search because it lets searcher find even those marks that are not in the official records. In fact, the grant of trademarks in the United States is based on a first-use system and trademark rights can be established simply by continuous use of[…]