USPTO cover everything

USPTO: Does it Covers Everything or not?

All the applications for Federal Registration of a trademark are examined by the USPTO to decide whether the marks fulfill the criteria for registration. The USPTO employees address the customer queries regarding the application procedure free of cost. However, they are unable to provide information regarding any legal matters. For all information regarding the legal aspects of[…]

Why Register Trademarks

What is it Essential to Register Trademarks in the US?

Businesses in the USA often fail to decide whether to Register Trademarks with a state or the USPTO, for better implementation and implication. The state registration process is comparatively easy with less time consumed and less costly. The confirmation regarding the registration of the mark is also obtained at ease. Still, there are some additional[…]

How to conduct a Trademark Search?

Trademark search refers to any action for the purpose of determining whether a proposed mark is already in use in commerce. The search can be narrow in nature or can be broad enough to include results from every avenue. An appropriate search strategy constitutes of the nature of the mark and the nature of goods[…]

What is common law trademark search and why is it important?

Common law search is an important aspect of comprehensive trademark search process and every professional trademark search service provider undertake this task at some point in their professional life. With this article, our main aim is to understand what common law trademark search is all about and how to do it.   What is Common[…]

filing trademark

Important Terms to Know while doing Trademark Filing – Part II

In the previous part, we discussed some terms those are commonly used in the arena of trademark and trademark filing. With this article, we came up with some more terms those are used by professionals working in the domain of trademark and trademark filing. Important Terms generally used while doing Trademark Filing International Class –[…]

trademark in us

Know How to maintain a registered trademark in US

Trademark is one of the most important assets a business can have and thus it should be handled and maintained consciously throughout the life cycle. Failing to maintain associated documents could put your precious intellectual property at risk. Since, a trademark is an identity of a business it should be given appropriate attention when it[…]


Prime Required Resources for Conducting a Common Law Search

A comprehensive trademark search will be incomplete without doing a common law search because it lets searcher find even those marks that are not in the official records. In fact, the grant of trademarks in the United States is based on a first-use system and trademark rights can be established simply by continuous use of[…]