A Guide to Trademarks in the United States

 As businesses and startups grow, the need for trademarks is also growing considerably. The companies are recognizing the exceptional abilities of trademarks in boosting their business performance. More and more startups and businesses are applying at USPTO for registering trademark in US. What is a Trademark? A trademark can be a word, symbol, phrase, or[…]

Federal Trademark Registration Its Meaning and Significance

Federal Trademark Registration: Its Meaning and Significance

Federal Trademark refers to a type of Intellectual Property in the United States, which is commonly a word, symbol, design, or combination of all. A federal trademark helps in: Source identification of goods and services Distinguishing between different types of goods and services Providing significant additional substantive and procedural rights The Federal Trademark registration refers to as[…]

What is it Essential to Register Trademarks in the US

What is it Essential to Register Trademarks in the US?

Businesses in the USA often fail to decide whether to Register Trademarks with a state or the USPTO, for better implementation and implication. The state registration process is comparatively easy with less time consumed and less costly. The confirmation regarding the registration of the mark is also obtained at ease. Still, there are some additional[…]

Doing Online Trademark Search: Basic Steps

It is impossible to wipe off the worth of the traditional print media. However, in this digital age if you don’t do things online it turns out detrimental for business goal. Same is the case with trademark search. We can’t ignore online trademark search as an act of searching all the relevant trademark search databases[…]

Trademark Search Fields Used in TESS Database

Important Trademark Search Fields Used in TESS Database

When it comes to trademark search, Trademark Electronic Search Database is one of the databases that are used overwhelmingly by trademark search professionals or trademark search firms. The database also called as TESS is provided by the United States Patent and Trademark Office and is one of the sought after trademark search databases in the[…]

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