
What is Madrid Protocol for International Trademark Registration ?

This article provides a complete guide to Madrid protocol, its members, database, registration process, registration fees, and advantages. Why Trademark is the Strongest Asset for Your Brand? Having a unique trademark will not only differentiate your brand from market competitors but also facilitate effective marketing. A trademark is the soul of branding strategy as it[…]

A Guide to Trademarks in the United States

 As businesses and startups grow, the need for trademarks is also growing considerably. The companies are recognizing the exceptional abilities of trademarks in boosting their business performance. More and more startups and businesses are applying at USPTO for registering trademark in US. What is a Trademark? A trademark can be a word, symbol, phrase, or[…]


Starting a Startup? Trademark Can be a Game Changer

Trademark for startups is a key need for building identity, asset, and reputation. Having a trademark is significant for all business owners, be it a startup or well-established name in the market. These days there have been a lot of lawsuits and intellectual property infringements by market players. Business owners fight to trademark words that[…]

Worldwide Trademark Search: Perform one for your trademark

Companies that plan to export their products or services to the international market use worldwide trademark search. The Madrid Protocol is responsible for the application and registration process of international trademarks. Also, the registration prevents the IP rights of a company over a product or service at the global level. The WIPO (World Intellectual Property[…]

Fundamental Guide of International Trademark Applications

International trademark registrations are of utmost importance to businesses that function globally. In this internet-dependent world, it is hard to find a company that doesn’t wish to be protected while expanding its business too. Hence, each and every company wants their trademark or service mark to be registered internationally. This is done to avoid any[…]

International Trademark Registration Enabler

Madrid Protocol: International Trademark Registration Enabler

What is the Madrid Protocol? The Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks (Madrid Protocol) is an international treaty that allows a trademark owner to seek registration in any of the countries that have joined the Madrid Protocol by filing a single application, called an “international application.” The International Bureau[…]

Advantages of the Madrid System of International Registration of Marks for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Advantages of the Madrid System of International Registration of Marks for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

When you are at the initial stage of entrepreneurship it is important to create a strategy that can protect and preserve your business related assets in long run. Trademark protection is one of such strategies and in last few years it has gained huge traction among small and medium-sized enterprises viewing its long-term benefits and[…]

Essential Trademark Tips every Business should Consider

Essential Trademark Tips every Business should Consider

Trademark is one of the most important assets available in the hands of businessmen and entrepreneurs. Much of the success of a business could be attributed to choosing a good trademark and maintaining it as per the required jurisdiction. Failing to get a trademark or maintaining it effectively could be detrimental to your overall business[…]

Things to know about U.S. trademark filing

4 things to know about U. S. trademark filing

Filing trademark is one of the most potent ways to protect your brand from unlawful uses, however, we need to realize is that the process is not as simple as it looks superficially. There are plenty of subtleties those we need to address before filing for a trademark. This becomes even more important in a[…]

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