Important Terms to Know while doing Trademark Filing

Important Terms to Know while doing Trademark Filing – Part II

In the previous part, we discussed some terms those are commonly used in the arena of trademark and trademark filing. With this article, we came up with some more terms those are used by professionals working in the domain of trademark and trademark filing. Important Terms generally used while doing Trademark Filing International Class –[…]

International Trademark Registration Enabler

Madrid Protocol: International Trademark Registration Enabler

What is the Madrid Protocol? The Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks (Madrid Protocol) is an international treaty that allows a trademark owner to seek registration in any of the countries that have joined the Madrid Protocol by filing a single application, called an “international application.” The International Bureau[…]

Advantages of the Madrid System of International Registration of Marks for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Advantages of the Madrid System of International Registration of Marks for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

When you are at the initial stage of entrepreneurship it is important to create a strategy that can protect and preserve your business related assets in long run. Trademark protection is one of such strategies and in last few years it has gained huge traction among small and medium-sized enterprises viewing its long-term benefits and[…]

Trademark Filing in United States-All Requirements

Trademark Filing in United States-All Requirements

When you are investing your hard earned money in a new venture it is important to ensure that your products are protected from any kind of imitation and manipulation. Trademark filing could surely be the first initiative towards ensuring the same. The process of trademark filing in united states is, though, a long, complicated and tedious[…]

Trademark Filing: Facts to Consider

No matter whichever business you are entering into, it’s important to distinguish your brand identity from your competitors. And the same can be achieved through ‘Trademark Filing’. A Trademark can be defined as any unique expression that a business uses these days to distinguish their business, goods or services from those of other traders. A[…]

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