filing trademark

Important Terms to Know while doing Trademark Filing – Part II

In the previous part, we discussed some terms those are commonly used in the arena of trademark and trademark filing. With this article, we came up with some more terms those are used by professionals working in the domain of trademark and trademark filing. Important Terms generally used while doing Trademark Filing International Class –[…]

What Trademark Professionals Should Know about TSDR System

The Trademark Status and Document Retrieval (TSDR) System is an online database provided by the United States Patent and Trademark Office for trademark owners to check the status of their trademark. This database is one of the most important tools provided by the federal agency to its users as it offers access to viewing, printing,[…]

trademark search professional

Trademark Search: A Quick Guide to Understand TM Search

What is a Trademark? A trademark is a unique expression that a business can use to distinguish their business’ goods or services from those of other traders. The term ‘Trademark’ is a broad term that encompasses word, slogan, photograph, logo, graphic, color combination, sound or even smell. Once assigned, the concerned party can enjoy the[…]