Trademark Penalties: Learn These ‘Don’ts’ To Avoid Them!

Any word, name, text, or symbol that is used to mark/ identify one’s property, goods, services, etc. is a Trademark. A registered trademark will mark the belongings in the owner’s name, and no one else is holding a right/ authority to use the same mark without the owner’s consent. Trademark laws protect the rights of[…]

Perform Trademark Watching: Significance for your Trademark

Most organizations analyze the advantages of registering corporate brands as trademarks in the countries and regions in which they trade, fabricate and transport their items. However, registration is just the initial phase in the viable utilization and security of a picked brand, organization or company name. With a specific end goal to guarantee that significant[…]

Bursting the Bubble of Myths Surrounding Trademark Filing

Trademark filing is one of the most important ways to protect your brand from unlawful uses and manipulations.  If you have a registered trademark you can enforce your rights in case someone infringes your intellectual properties. A trademark is assigned either to a word, image, logo, graphics, sound, color combination, sound and even smell. Trademark[…]

Know How to maintain a registered trademark in US

Trademark is one of the most important assets a business can have and thus it should be handled and maintained consciously throughout the life cycle. Failing to maintain associated documents could put your precious intellectual property at risk. Since, a trademark is an identity of a business it should be given appropriate attention when it[…]

Why and how to monitor trademarks?

Why and how to monitor trademarks?

Trademarks are assets of any company and thus it is important for owners to take care of their assets. Monitoring trademarks continuously and throughout the year is one of the means to take care of these invaluable assets and thus with this article we came up with some facts that will underline why it is[…]

Trademark in US

A Quick and Comprehensive Guide to Understand Trademark in US

Wish to protect your brands in the United States then applying for trademark could be the best possible option. However, getting a trademark in the United States is not a cake walk as applicants are required to meet many requirements. Failing to meet those requirements can make or break your objective. With this article, we have[…]

What Trademark Professionals Should Know about TSDR-Syste

What Trademark Professionals Should Know about TSDR System

The Trademark Status and Document Retrieval (TSDR) System is an online database provided by the United States Patent and Trademark Office for trademark owners to check the status of their trademark. This database is one of the most important tools provided by the federal agency to its users as it offers access to viewing, printing,[…]

Trademark Monitoring An Effective Brand Protection Strategy

Trademark Monitoring: An Effective Brand Protection Strategy

As a trademark owner, it’s important for companies to do trademark monitoring of their marks throughout the year and round the clock. Many times clients say that they are witnessing a sharp decline in their overall sale and they start restructuring and reorganizing their sales channel. However, as an informed business owner, we must agree[…]

Five Helpful Resources for Conducting an Effective TM Search

Five Helpful Resources for Conducting an Effective TM Search

No matter whether you want to ascertain distinctiveness, or want to analyze potential infringement disputes of a brand name, trademark search is something that is needed at most. With plenty of trademark search databases available online it becomes very difficult for individuals and searchers to find the best trademark search database. This is an article[…]

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