Successful Trademark Search: A Comprehensive Checklist for you

Successful Trademark Search: A Comprehensive Checklist for you Are you among those who want to drive a successful trademark search? If yes, then this article is definitely going to help you get a quick checklist to conduct a trademark search. Majority of trademark professionals prefer Google to conduct searches to find similar matches in jurisdiction[…]

How to Ensure Brand Safety from Trademark Brand Infringement?

How to ensure safety from Trademark Brand Infringement? – Biggest problem today for all the companies is the brand infringement. Boom of development and registering new logos everyday has made trademark monitoring a handful of job. Additionally, globalization and the expansion of online business market make it harder than before to discover and register a[…]

Why and how to monitor trademarks?

Why and how to monitor trademarks?

Trademarks are assets of any company and thus it is important for owners to take care of their assets. Monitoring trademarks continuously and throughout the year is one of the means to take care of these invaluable assets and thus with this article we came up with some facts that will underline why it is[…]