Trademark Registration A Useful Key To Strengthen Your Brand

Trademark Registration: A Useful Key To Strengthen Your Brand

A trademark may be anything such as name, symbol, word, device, numerals, etc. According to a recent intellectual property survey, the trademark covers one-third of total corporate value. Trademark registration is considered to be a valuable asset, and it offers numerous benefits. Trademark Registration: How Is It Beneficial To Your Brand? Trademark registration gives the proprietor the[…]

Successful Trademark Search: A Comprehensive Checklist for you

Successful Trademark Search: A Comprehensive Checklist for you Are you among those who want to drive a successful trademark search? If yes, then this article is definitely going to help you get a quick checklist to conduct a trademark search. Majority of trademark professionals prefer Google to conduct searches to find similar matches in jurisdiction[…]

Trademark Searching: What Significance does it carry for your company?

What is trademark search? To create a unique and potent brand name or company name, the significant amount of cost is incurred along with time. A mark determined as unique by a particular business might be already in use by any other business or company somewhere in the world. In order to make sure of[…]