
Why does USPTO Reject Trademark Registration?

Getting your trademark in the USA is not a cakewalk. The process includes various stages through which a trademark needs to pass through. Moreover, even after all these stages, there are chances of getting a trademark registration rejection by USPTO. But it is possible to minimize the reasons due to which a trademark registration application[…]

How to Perform a Trademark Search to Avoid Infringement?

How to perform a trademark search? If this is something you are wondering about then this article will be of immense use. When you start a new brand, product, or company, you must ensure that you have a unique name, or mark. This helps you to effectively market your product. Here comes the importance of[…]

Trademark Image Search at USPTO

Learn how to Perform a Trademark Image Search at USPTO Website

A trademark image search is must when it comes to protecting a brand, securing the trademarks and logos. It is important to ensure right at the beginning that the mark is available for use and we are not infringing on someone else’ intellectual properties before we register our Logo and Trademarks. Here comes the importance[…]

Risks Associated with Filing a Trademark all by Yourself

Risks Associated with Filing a Trademark all by Yourself

Trademarks and trademark filing is important because it lets consumers find the source of the product and thus allowing them to find the quality they are willing to purchase. Though it might be very tempting to file a trademark of your own viewing its economic benefits, still, it has many inherent risks those should be[…]

Doing Online Trademark Search: Basic Steps

It is impossible to wipe off the worth of the traditional print media. However, in this digital age if you don’t do things online it turns out detrimental for business goal. Same is the case with trademark search. We can’t ignore online trademark search as an act of searching all the relevant trademark search databases[…]

How to Conduct a Trademark Search

How to Conduct a Trademark Search?

Viewing the fact that trademark infringement is a costly affair, it is prudent to ensure right at the beginning that you are investing in safe mark and hence comes the importance of a comprehensive, reliable and full trademark search that can give you valuable insight about the mark you are intending to file. Though it[…]

Trademark Search A Quick Guide to Understand TM Search

Trademark Search: A Quick Guide to Understand TM Search

What is a Trademark? A trademark is a unique expression that a business can use to distinguish their business’ goods or services from those of other traders. The term ‘Trademark’ is a broad term that encompasses word, slogan, photograph, logo, graphic, color combination, sound or even smell. Once assigned, the concerned party can enjoy the[…]

Trademark Search Fields Used in TESS Database

Important Trademark Search Fields Used in TESS Database

When it comes to trademark search, Trademark Electronic Search Database is one of the databases that are used overwhelmingly by trademark search professionals or trademark search firms. The database also called as TESS is provided by the United States Patent and Trademark Office and is one of the sought after trademark search databases in the[…]

Five Helpful Resources for Conducting an Effective TM Search

Five Helpful Resources for Conducting an Effective TM Search

No matter whether you want to ascertain distinctiveness, or want to analyze potential infringement disputes of a brand name, trademark search is something that is needed at most. With plenty of trademark search databases available online it becomes very difficult for individuals and searchers to find the best trademark search database. This is an article[…]

Top 5 resources for conducting a trademark search

Top 5 resources for conducting a trademark search

No matter whether you want to ascertain distinctiveness, or want to analyze potential infringement disputes of a brand name, trademark search is something that is needed at the most. With plenty of trademark search databases available online, it becomes very difficult for individuals and enterprises to find the best trademark search databases. This is an[…]

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