How to perform a trademark search? If this is something you are wondering about then this article will be of immense use.
When you start a new brand, product, or company, you must ensure that you have a unique name, or mark. This helps you to effectively market your product. Here comes the importance of performing a trademark search. This provides a clear understanding of whether it is possible to own a mark or not.
Though, doing a trademark search varies depending on the intent of the searcher or the trademark search service providers. However, there are certain universal ways which can be undertaken by people who are uninitiated. This article is aimed at underlining those common ways of performing a trademark search.
How to Perform a Trademark Search?
Conducting an informal Trademark Search:
One of the easiest way of doing a trademark search is by conducting it informally. That can be done simply with any search engine like Google, and others. The search is not to determine whether you will be granted trademark protection for the mark or not. Rather, the aim here is to generally see how widely the mark is used.
Performing a “TESS” Search
Trademark Electronic Search System search or “TESS” search allows searcher to search the USPTO’s vast record of registered trademarks. This aids in finding the marks that may be similar to your mark. To conduct this trademark search, you can visit the USPTO’s website and enter your search query.
Create Other TESS Search Terms and Search it on the Database
When it comes to doing online database search, keywords play an important role. A small variation in a keyword can alter the whole search result. Thus, it is important for searcher to create other search terms by using just a portion of your trademark. Further, he can change the order of the words and spellings, add quotation marks to find exact phrases and perform a trademark search.
Doing Trademark Search on Free Databases
You may intend to find more data and information about your mark. Thus, doing the search on plenty of other free trademark databases could help you achieve the result.
Doing Trademark Search on Paid Databases
While free databases can help you save some bucks, it may not be worthy considering the long term consequences of trademark infringements. In such situation, doing a trademark search on paid databases could be of immense importance.
Hiring TMReady to Perform the Search
Unlike individual searchers, these experienced trademark search companies have access to additional trademark search resources. These resources can give people more valuable insights. Moreover, these companies are professional search service providers. Therefore, they can analyze the available search data and offer you the insights that can’t be availed otherwise.
In a nutshell, doing trademark search is something that requires deep understanding of trademark search databases and trademark regulatory norms.
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