
Why Should You Get a Community Trademark?

Are you from a European Union member state and planning to start a business and register your trademark. If yes, you must have come across the concept of community trademarks while researching. The first question that comes to people’s mind while thinking about a Community trademark is,” Why should one get a community trademark?” “How[…]

Trademark Image Search at USPTO

Learn how to Perform a Trademark Image Search at USPTO Website

A trademark image search is must when it comes to protecting a brand, securing the trademarks and logos. It is important to ensure right at the beginning that the mark is available for use and we are not infringing on someone else’ intellectual properties before we register our Logo and Trademarks. Here comes the importance[…]

Trademark Image: Know the Possibility

Trademark Image: Know the Possibility

Do you have a unique image ready with you which stand-apart from the rest for your business?   You want complete ownership over it as a trademark image so that it distinguishes your brand from the rest. But wondering whether it is possible to trademark an image or not? You will get all your questions answered[…]