Trademark, Service-mark, And Copyright: Difference, Importance, & Impact

Brand plays a vital role in keeping your business and its offerings distinct by giving it a unique identity in the marketplace. The key to influence the customers is the way you portray your product or service to the public, which makes them buy or connect with your business or the products and services that[…]

Not All Trademark Errors Are Fixable, Learn How to Avoid Them Here

Not All Trademark Errors Are Fixable, Learn How to Avoid Them Here!!

We all deal with many trademarks every day. Trademark is an IP mark or a symbol that distinguishes one’s products or services from other businesses. It is an excellent way to create a brand name that makes it easier for customers to recognize them. Since the trademark is a valuable asset, it is, therefore, essential[…]

USPTO Does it Covers Everything or not

USPTO: Does it Covers Everything or not?

All the applications for Federal Registration of a trademark are examined by the USPTO to decide whether the marks fulfill the criteria for registration. The USPTO employees address the customer queries regarding the application procedure free of cost. However, they are unable to provide information regarding any legal matters. For all information regarding the legal aspects of[…]

Why Makes Trademark Watching so Important for Brand Owners

Why Makes Trademark Watching so Important for Brand Owners?

While registering for a specific trademark, care must be taken for its brand or product name. It is important to monitor the trademarks by protecting and enforcing strict laws against its unauthorized access. Trademark watching means to provide a watch or to keep an eye on the market, to protect registered marks and devices, and[…]

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