Trademark Monitoring: A Useful Tool for Individual Trademarks

With major changes taking place and a new milestone achieved every day, trademark monitoring is essential as trademarks are the centrality of any brand. The reason that the trademarks are so important is that they provide a better position or stance in a lawsuit and cuts a large section of an obstacle-free profitable market by competition.

Be that as it may, trademarks do not fall into the category of “Done and forgotten”. Even to enforce trademark you are required to consistently watch over the trademark keeping in mind the end goal to guarantee that different organizations and people are not causing any infringement.  Gratefully with the developing technology and easier accessibility, it’s simpler to screen your trademark now.

With this, we must move on to our next section of Importance of trademarks and how you can use it with just a little help.

The Importance of Monitoring Your Trademarks

The importance of trademark lies in the fact, that it is an asset to every brand or a business and its safety is the top priority. Therefore, securing a trademark is a sizeable advance towards securing your profit, brand or a business on the basis of a design, a slogan, name, logo, or even an iconic color. Although the government and authorizing officials provide us the grant of trademark registration, but the watch over the infringement activity is the job of the trademark holder. Additionally, the holder must understand that conducting vigilance is the main defense line and protection of the trademark.

For a deeper understanding, let’s say you have a trademark name “Thermilton” for a line of thermal flasks. Supposedly you don’t conduct any vigilance over the other parties, and a company having similar product enters into the market under a similar name like “thermiltion hot flask” or “thermiltion all purpose” or “thermilton Bakeware”, leading to a crisis situation of a similar trademark. It is in those situations that having vigilance would provide the defense line of stopping other from such activity from the start itself.

Trademark Monitoring Tools 

We have listed few ways that an individual can monitor the trademark by himself and develop strategies that will assist in handling the top potential infringers.

Google AdWords and Keyword Planner (Formerly Known as the Keyword Tool)

Either of the tools or service – Google AdWords or AdWords Keyword Planner, provided by Google has enabled clients to scan for terminology. The tool allows an individual to search in the context provided by the client but they differ; where Google AdWords relates to online advertisements in other cases, Key Planner searches for terminology in relation with web traffic.

The best approach would be, to begin with the Google AdWords to see whether anyone is utilizing your trademark as an approach to the target, reach, and interface with more individuals on the web marking as the first sign of infringement, subsequently leading to other step. The second step in this approach is Keyword Planner, where searching a trademark would provide, results of what number of individuals are looking for your trademark and what conclusions are drawn from it.

Despite using both the tools, the results are not deep and would roughly outline the people infringing your trademark, but it provides a starting point to find the potential infringement activities and infringers. The subsequent stage is uncovering the roots of the individual or organizations that are utilizing your mark for their own benefit.

Google Search

Another approach is Google Search. Whether you have to search for nearby stores or ATM or a movie hall, Google is the best companion one can have.  It tells you everything. Although we cannot say it is the fastest way in context with Trademark Search, but surely it is a good way to locate the potential infringers.

The easiest way to do so is to search for your own trademark. Irrespective of what it is, a name or word or a slogan, all you have to do is to type in the Google search bar. In case, it is an icon or image, you can also look up for it in the google image search function. But as an entrepreneur, you presumably would not prefer to spend your day seeking Google search to ensure the security of your business name and logo, when you could be out discovering approaches to build your business.  In those situations, you can always opt for the Third party professional help.

Google Alerts

The advances in Google have proved beneficial every now and then, esp. when you can relate to the “Google Alerts”. This element enables you to set up periodic automated searches and sends a notification to your email address whenever it comes across new pages containing the similar or same content that you are looking for.  Isn’t it easier that way!


The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has made some amazing progress where they have completely hopped onto the computerized wheel. Thankfully, few government offices of United States have advanced to a high level of digitalization such as of Trademark.

Now, TESS is a robotized search system, fully stated as the Trademark Electronic Search System therefore “TESS”, which enables you to locate trademark infringement before it even begins.  The search is used for locating trademarks based on several different variables. The multiple options that lie ahead in front of you as a trademark owner, is to search for simple terms, or view trademarks according to the category or class or provide search terms for picture images results. This enables you to detect any trademark applications for marks like the one you’re attempting to ensure.

Professional services

Lastly, in the event that you desire to indulge in a handoff way to watch over the trademark, or would simply like a professional to do it for you, we offer assistance. TMReady accomplishes something beyond to help individuals, business or corporates with the trademark search and monitoring process.  Our dynamic Trademark Monitoring services include:

  • Computerized reports for your trademarks (in context with the relevant and related marks)
  • Consistent reports sent to your registered email address.
  • Provide widest and most flexible monitoring coverage depending upon the countries of interest.
  • Best prices available in the market.

To resolve any queries regarding trademark monitoring and searching, please visit our Trademark Monitoring service page or continue your search at our service page for Trademark Search.

Trademark Search Monitoring Resources

Here you can Download our All free Resources:

Trademark Samples (Trademark Search and Monitoring), Guides, E-books, Case-studies, Approaches, Methodologies, etc.

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