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Why to consider Trademark Watching Service for your Brand?

The USPTO principles for trademark registration ensures intensive screening of every trademark, for which Trademark Watching Service is desirable. In certain instances, an application might bear some near resemblances to previously applied applications which in turn will lead to rejection of the application. This can be avoided if the applicant is able to produce a[…]

Trademark Watch Professionals

Trademark Watch Professional: Why to Hire Only ‘The Best’ for your Mark?

Trademark Watching is a utility through which the Trademark Watch Professional watches a registered trademark to ensure that no one else is infringing the trademark. Trademark Watch Professional will identify same or similar trademark, that might infringe its authenticity. This work can even be sometimes carried out by the trademark owners. Otherwise, If in case[…]

Trademark Monitoring: A Useful Tool for Individual Trademarks

With major changes taking place and a new milestone achieved every day, trademark monitoring is essential as trademarks are the centrality of any brand. The reason that the trademarks are so important is that they provide a better position or stance in a lawsuit and cuts a large section of an obstacle-free profitable market by[…]

5 Common Mistakes about Trademark Searches & Their Solutions

5 Common Mistakes about Trademark Searches & Their Solutions: The efforts you put for deciding on the new product, financial plan, packaging material, marketing, advertising, and other aspects of a business is surely difficult and time-consuming. Similarly, deciding the brand name is the toughest. The brand name requires a company to invest lot of time[…]

4 Mistakes while doing Trademark Clearance Search ! 3rd Mistake Might Cause Huge Loss to Your Brand

While registering for a trademark, we always search for similar marks or related marks to find out whether our symbol is unique or not. Two trademarks are said to be similar when they are either visually or connotatively similar. If any other similar marks are found, then one must change the mark to avoid the[…]

Why Makes Trademark Watching so Important for Brand Owners?

While registering for a specific trademark, care must be taken for its brand or product name. It is important to monitor the trademarks by protecting and enforcing strict laws against its unauthorized access. Trademark watching means to provide a watch or to keep an eye on the market, to protect registered marks and devices, and[…]

What is common law trademark search and why is it important?

Common law search is an important aspect of comprehensive trademark search process and every professional trademark search service provider undertake this task at some point in their professional life. With this article, our main aim is to understand what common law trademark search is all about and how to do it.   What is Common[…]

Trademark Search Categories

Trademark search means to perform a search for checking whether the chosen mark, is valid (not used by any company, business, organization, or individual) or invalid (already taken by some other group as their trademark). This search is generally performed before going for registration of the mark or before filing. This search helps to mitigate[…]

filing a trademark

Risks Associated with Filing a Trademark all by Yourself

Trademarks and trademark filing is important because it lets consumers find the source of the product and thus allowing them to find the quality they are willing to purchase. Though it might be very tempting to file a trademark of your own viewing its economic benefits, still, it has many inherent risks those should be[…]