Trademark For Your Business Its Significance in the Long Run

Trademark For Your Business: Its Significance in the Long Run

Trademark registration has always been an important aspect for business holders. In past years, more and more organizations and businesses are opting for a strong trademark for their firm. Those who understand the merits and applicability of having a federal level of protection for their businesses, never ‘hem and haw’ about thinking of a better option.[…]

Conducting a Trademark Search

Conducting a Trademark Search (Wordmark): Best Practices

Conducting a trademark search is something that requires in-depth knowledge and understanding of trademark law and is possible only for trademark search professionals who are skilled in this art. And hence, it has become important for people to know what works and what doesn’t in the domain of trademark search. Best practices for conducting a trademark[…]

Bursting the Bubble of Myths Surrounding Trademark Filing

Trademark filing is one of the most important ways to protect your brand from unlawful uses and manipulations.  If you have a registered trademark you can enforce your rights in case someone infringes your intellectual properties. A trademark is assigned either to a word, image, logo, graphics, sound, color combination, sound and even smell. Trademark[…]

US Trademark Registration Top Ten Benefits for your Business

US Trademark Registration: Top Ten Benefits for your Business

When you are about to institute a business it is important to think protecting your brands. Applying for Trademark is one of those means through which we can ensure our brands are protected from being abused. Trademarks are highly valuable assets. Developing and protecting trademarks is not a mere “cost of doing business,” but rather[…]

Trademark in US

A Quick and Comprehensive Guide to Understand Trademark in US

Wish to protect your brands in the United States then applying for trademark could be the best possible option. However, getting a trademark in the United States is not a cake walk as applicants are required to meet many requirements. Failing to meet those requirements can make or break your objective. With this article, we have[…]

Trademark Search A Quick Guide to Understand TM Search

Trademark Search: A Quick Guide to Understand TM Search

What is a Trademark? A trademark is a unique expression that a business can use to distinguish their business’ goods or services from those of other traders. The term ‘Trademark’ is a broad term that encompasses word, slogan, photograph, logo, graphic, color combination, sound or even smell. Once assigned, the concerned party can enjoy the[…]

Prime Required Resources for Conducting a Common Law Search

Prime Required Resources for Conducting a Common Law Search

A comprehensive trademark search will be incomplete without doing a common law search because it lets searcher find even those marks that are not in the official records. In fact, the grant of trademarks in the United States is based on a first-use system and trademark rights can be established simply by continuous use of[…]

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