A Quick Guide on Trademark Search TESS

A Quick Guide on Trademark Search TESS

The Trademark Search TESS (Trademark Electronic Search System) is the most commonly used searchable electronic database of registered, approved, and closed trademark applications. It is provided by the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office). Also, it provides a free search over the data of the past thirty years. The legal Trademark professionals perform the[…]

Latest USPTO Trademark Rule: Everything You Need to Know

Trademark registration comes with a number of benefits. However, you must follow every USPTO trademark rule carefully to run the process smoothly. A trademark is any word, logo, symbol, or phrase that represents a product or an organization. Also, it protects the intellectual property of a company. Also, your trademark must own the following qualities[…]

How to perform a Worldwide Trademark Search

Worldwide Trademark Search: Perform one for your trademark

Companies that plan to export their products or services to the international market use worldwide trademark search. The Madrid Protocol is responsible for the application and registration process of international trademarks. Also, the registration prevents the IP rights of a company over a product or service at the global level. The WIPO (World Intellectual Property[…]

Hiring Trademark Attorney What difference it makes?

Trademark Attorney: What difference it makes?

You must undergo some legal proceedings in order to file a trademark application with the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office). You may deal with these proceedings yourself or hire a professional Trademark attorney. Also, a number of people continue to seek help from the Trademark attorney even after the registration. A qualified trademark[…]

Trademark Fundamentals

Trademark Fundamentals for Start-ups and Businesse to grow

The increasing awareness of trademark fundamentals goes hand in hand with the growing competition in the technology industry. Even though the game is intense, building up a trademark is essential for any business. With contenders battling about regular words that have been used for quite a long time, it’s no big surprise that the new[…]

Trademark Penalties

Trademark Penalties: Learn These ‘Don’ts’ To Avoid Them!

Any word, name, text, or symbol that is used to mark/ identify one’s property, goods, services, etc. is a Trademark. A registered trademark will mark the belongings in the owner’s name, and no one else is holding a right/ authority to use the same mark without the owner’s consent. Trademark laws protect the rights of[…]