A Quick Guide on Trademark Search TESS

The Trademark Search TESS (Trademark Electronic Search System) is the most commonly used searchable electronic database of registered, approved, and closed trademark applications. It is provided by the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office). Also, it provides a free search over the data of the past thirty years. The legal Trademark professionals perform the Trademark Search TESS to check for any possible infringement.

The USPTO is responsible for publishing and maintenance of TESS. This includes updating up to three million pending or accepted applications per week.

A thorough search on a trademark search TESS database helps to avoid potential litigations. It is the most crucial step for the Trademark registration and helps to avoid the infringement of any similar mark.

Moreover, you must perform the trademark search TESS before investing in a trademark. It is very important to make sure that you are legally using your trademark. You must seek help from a professional trademark attorney if you are not familiar with the trademark search TESS.

In this segment, we will discuss trademark search TESS and its features that make it the most trustable trademark quick search database.

Also read: How to Do a Trademark Image search in the USPTO Website

Types of Trademark Search TESS:

The TESS consists of 19 term fields and 8 search operations. There two types of Trademark searches according to the search requirement. The search requirement is based on either word or design. The two types of Trademark searches are:

Basic Word Mark Search:

 It is the easiest way for using TESS and allows us to search for the accepted or pending applications. You can add singular/ plural terms or search for a dead/alive registration process during the advanced search. The results are obtained from TARR (Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval) server.

Structured Word or Design Mark Search:

 It is used to find both Trademarks and design marks. However, open the Design Search Code Manual for the right code before you search for design marks. Moreover, you can decide the number of results you want to see on a single page.

The site also contains the Browse Dictionary function to find the Trademark Official Gazette. It is a weekly journal that contains recently published, canceled or updated applications. You can arrange them according to the registration or publication date.

Also read: Why Trademark search Service Is So Important?

How to do Trademark Search TESS?

You must visit the USPTO website and click on theTrademarks > Application process > Searching Trademarks. The next screen is of the USPTO Trademark database; now click on the TESS to proceed for the Trademark search. Here you will get 3 basic search options and 2 additional search options.

Word Mark Search (New User)

You can use this option to search for word marks but not design marks. The only options you need to fill are Search terms, Field and Result must contain. Moreover, you can select the Search type between live/Dead and Singular/plural.

Word/Design Mark Search

This option is further divided into two categories. You may select the desired option according to the requirement.


You can use this option to search word/design marks simultaneously or selectively. Also, you can use operators like AND, NOR, XOR, NOT, SAME.

NOTE: Use the Design Search Code Manual to find the proper Design Codes.

Free Form

It allows you to construct word/design searches using Boolean logic and various search fields. You can also make choices between singular or plural search.

 NOTE: Use the Design Search Code Manual to find the related Design Codes.

Additional Search Options:

Browse Dictionary (Browse Dictionary)

It allows you to surf all the fields of the database, whether it is collective or particular fields. The outcomes are obtained in a dictionary-style (alphabetic) format.

Search OG Publication Date or Registration Date (Search OG)

In this, you can search the Official Gazette for the marks that are published or registered on a certain date. However, you need to select the required options among Field, Operator, OG date, Plural, etc.

The functioning of the Trademark Search TESS:

The basic functions like AND/OR help to find more than one term. Also, advanced functions like NOT, SAME, XOR or WITH help you to get more specific results. To search for a specific field, use Result Must Contain.

The advanced search provides more information to the user such as:

  • Filing date
  • Basic index
  • Present status
  • Owner’s name

A Full record contains the following points:

  • Trademark image
  • ASSIGN status of the application
  • Link to check Trademark status on the TARR
  • Status and files of the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
  • Link of the documents inside ‘Trademark Document status retrieval’

Trademark search Category:

There are 45 categories in the Trademark Registry. Moreover, you may search at the Trademark office of your country after selecting the class/category for your Trademark. Also, you may use an online tool. However, every country does not provide an online trademark search database.

Few of the search categories are:

  • Chemicals
  • Paints and Coatings
  • Fuels and Industrial
  • Pharmaceutical and Dietetic
  • Cleaning and Bleaching
    Products, Cosmetics

Also Read: Trademark searches: An Overview

How TMReady Works?

TMReady provides you the most flexible coverage for the Trademark related services. Our team of professionals performs a manual search over a global database for the most pertinent outcomes. Also, we believe in 100% customer satisfaction within a budget-friendly price. You just need to order online and provide the mark details. You get a quick turnaround time with free iterations. Moreover, you can check the status of your order at any stage. We keep transparency and also provide free advice for long term benefits. For seeking more advantages from our services, please visit TMReady.

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