Trademark search Canada

When you perform Trademark search Canada, it prevents infringement from either side between your mark and an already registered mark in the federal Canadian Trademarks database, common law database, and Madrid.

Also, it provides you a comprehensive search that allows you to register your mark easily and safely in Canada. TMReady works for many largest organisations and firms in the world. Also, we help them to defend and monetise their Intellectual Property rights. Our comprehensive Trademark search and precise results help them to gain maximum profit and lead the competition by far.

TMReady provides a comprehensive report representing various stages of the complete process. It includes a list of the pre-existing prior-art and amalgamation of technical analysis. Moreover, you get SWOT analysis and comparative analysis.

The main objective of TMReady is the efficient execution of work with the least turnaround time. Hence, we perform a keen study on the requirements and work procedures. Moreover, we provide customised services to obtain the best within the cost. Our technical team helps you to remain in regular touch with the ongoing stages of the complete process.

Trademark Search Canada: Database

You just need to enter the search field and search criteria to perform the search in the Trademark search Canada database. However, there are additional search options, such as:

  • Category
  • Type
  • Status
  • Action Dates
  • Vienna Classification 
  • Display Result Options

Trademark search Canada: search variants

  • AI search: The search is done with the aid of artificial intelligence. This looks for the near or similar trademarks. Also, it includes searching for marks with a phonetic variation. A software program searches the required data according to the applied filters. The results are then grouped and curated with advanced AI. This is the quickest way for the search. This may cost up to $59.
  • Manual search: The manual search is performed with the help of experts that consider particular criteria or algorithms to search related content. This looks for similar or near Trademarks. Also, it includes the search for phonetic variation and language equivalents. The search is performed through advanced AI and then the results are grouped and curated manually with the help of experts. An additional manual search is performed for verification.  It is more reliable and requires more time. This may cost up to $119.

NOTE: We also provide various customised searches.

Trademark Search Monitoring Resources

Here you can Download our All free Resources:

Trademark Samples (Trademark Search and Monitoring), Guides, E-books, Case-studies, Approaches, Methodologies, etc.

Click Here to Download

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