June 8, 2021

Trademark Slogan Search

A trademark is a unique symbol or phrase that distinguishes one product or business from another. Customers will be able to connect your message with your brand if you conduct a trademark slogan search and then register a slogan. This can help you with your marketing and provide value to your company. Moreover, you have the exclusive right to use a slogan to earn revenue if you trademark it. You have the ability to protect your slogan from infringement. Infringers might also be sued for damages. Thus, many firms also register slogans as trademarked advertising strategies.

A trademark can cover a business name, phrase, symbol, logo, or a mix of features in addition to a slogan.
The trademarked intellectual property must be different and unique in every circumstance.

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Trademark Slogan Search: Key Points to Remember

A trademark slogan search aids in the screening of trademark slogans against several criteria to see whether they are appropriate for use by a brand or entity. Thus, one must ensure keeping in mind the following points while conducting a trademark slogan search and selecting the slogan of their choice.

  1. You must not try to trademark slogans of an informational or entertaining nature if they aren’t intended for earning profit.
  2. Various trademarks include original designs and phrases. Any design element in a logo must match the brand’s or entity’s core message. The USPTO does not allow trademarks for purely aesthetic elements. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) does not grant any trademarks for original artwork. For any creative work you’ve created or authored, you can apply for a copyright.
  3. You shouldn’t file a trademark application for a slogan that you don’t intend to use in the future. This usually leads to nonuse and trademark abandonment or cancellation.

Note: To keep a trademark active, the USPTO requires trademark owners to keep it registered. You’ll need to show that you’ve been using your trademark for five years after it was first registered. Every ten years, you must also request a trademark renewal. The USPTO will cancel your trademark if you do not do this mandatory maintenance.

Choose TMReady for Trademark Slogan Search Services

A team of legal experts makes up TMReady. Our experts keep themselves informed on new software tools and USPTO rules. It enables them to present our clients with the best Trademark Slogan Search Solution possible. As we conduct a manual search of a worldwide trademark database, this assures the most accurate and relevant search results. In addition, we consistently strive for complete customer satisfaction at a low cost. Furthermore, you can place your order online and receive the results within the specified timeframe.

Visit TMReady to learn more about our services.

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