Manual-Full Search: US TM Searching


  • Package includes US Federal & Madrid Search coverage; To add additional search options, select respective add-ons.
  • All prices are in US$.
  • Click here to download FREE sample report.


What does COLA mean on TTB (Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau)?

COLAs Online is an Internet-based system that allows registered industry members to apply online for a certificate of label approval (COLA), certificate of exemption from label approval, or distinctive liquor bottle approval.

Why we search COLA Registry?

The TTB Public COLA Registry is a database that provides access to information on Certification/Exemption of Label/Bottle Approvals (COLAs), which TTB issues through TTB F 5100.31. Use this database to access information on approved, expired, surrendered, or revoked COLAs. No registration or password is required to use the Public COLA Registry.
The electronically approved and paper images are available for viewing and printing for COLAs issued from 1999 to present and are generally available 48 hours after they have been approved. You may view data only for COLAs issued prior to 1999. Searches for COLAs issued before 1996 may not produce a complete result set.


  • Only last 30 years of Cola Registry data will be searched and included in the report.
  • Normal customization would not charge, but it depends based on efforts and number of hours. Any customization which takes more than one hour will be charge accordingly.

Unlike screening U.S. TM search, the Full Search: US TM Searching service, is meant for those businesses that are looking for broad coverage like phonetic variations & language equivalents along with Near/Similar mark search.

This Full Search: US TM Searching package covers US Federal (Near/Similar Marks + Phonetic Variations + Language Equivalents) and Madrid (Near/Similar Marks + Phonetic Variations + Language Equivalents). Clients can use various add-ons with this package such as US States trademark search, Common Law trademark search, Canada and Mexico trademark search.

Sources that will be covered for Common Law Searches are:

  • SEC filings and top Internet search engine results
  • Business names & records
  • Financial sources (like Hoovers, Dow Jones, Standard & Poor)
  • Yellow pages
  • Top newspapers
  • Industry news

Some important facts to know while purchasing Full Search: US TM Searching package:

Why do we need to cover phonetic variations?

Phonetic variations are words that sound-alike creating the possibility of confusion between the two words (for example ‘UREKA’ and ‘EUREKA’). Phonetic equivalents are important because they indicate how an existing mark may be perceived by a consumer as, too similar to your proposed mark. If phonetically equivalent marks exist in the same industry there is a strong possibility of consumer confusion and the proposed mark may be rejected. Thus, it is important for businesses to search phonetic variations of their word or mark that they are going to use.

Why do we need to cover foreign/language equivalents?

Language may sometimes create confusion in case of trademark registrations. For example, the Doctrine of Foreign Equivalents is a rule applied in the United States trademark law requiring proposed marks in a foreign language be translated to determine whether they are confusingly similar to existing marks.

Simply put, the Full Search: US TM Searching tests if some consumers who are familiar with the foreign language will find the proposed mark confusing and thus we need to address this issue right at the beginning. A foreign equivalent trademark search enables business rule out any such possibility.

Manual full Search

Many times companies want to have a trademark search that is full and manual, so as to include the human-element of reasoning in a search. If this is something you are wondering about then our Manual full search is the best solution that you can go with. Our search analysts will prepare a set of keywords to run on various databases and results will be filtered and collected according to the demands of the client.

With this search, we target US Federal, and Madrid trademark database keeping in mind the near/similar marks, phonetic variations, orthographic similarity and misspellings, prefix, infix and suffix variations, vowel & consonant similarity, plurals and stemming and abbreviations and acronyms. Apart from the main course search (US Federal and Madrid) clients can also avail various add-ons that are available in the search like:

  • US States
  • Common law
  • Canada
  • Mexico

Search Criteria used in this search are:

  • Identical/similar marks
  • Phonetic similarity
  • Orthographic similarity and misspellings
  • Prefix, infix and suffix variations
  • Vowel and consonant similarity
  • Plurals and stemming
  • Abbreviations and acronyms
  • Other similarities

Important Features of our Manual full Search

Quick turn-around time- We understand the importance of time and thus allocate resources accordingly keeping in mind the promised time-frame to complete the assigned task.

Expert analysts- All our analysts are competent and have been working in the domain of trademark search for a considerable period of time.

Instant delivery in multiple formats- Reports will be delivered to clients in multiple formats or as specified by the client including pdf and excel.

Reasonable price- We believe in charging reasonable price to our clients and thus you can see all services are charged judiciously.


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