Trademarks in USA
- Trademark Registration Authority of USA: United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
- Trademark Law of USA: Lanham Act
- Trademark Registration Duration in USA: 12-18 months
- Free Trademark Search Database in USA: Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS)
Trademark Registration Fees in USA
- TEAS Plus: $250 per class of goods/services
- TEAS Standard: $350 per class of goods/services.
Per application, one mark is allowed. File separate applications & separate fee for different marks.
Both TEAS Plus and TEAS Standard are used to file an initial trademark registration application on the principal registrar. The only difference is that while TEAS PLUS has a lower filing fee but more requirements, TEAS Standard has a higher filing fee but lesser requirements.
Trademarks in Canada
- Trademark Registration Authority of Canada: Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO)
- Trademark Law of Canada: Canadian Trademark Law
- Trademark Registration Duration in Canada:18-24 months
- Free Trademark Search Database in Canada: Canadian Trademark Database
Trademark Registration Fees in Canada
Trademark Registration Fee in Canada (For 2022) | |
Fee For Trademark Registration In Online Mode 1st class of goods/services: $CDN 335.93 For each additional class: $CDN 101.80 | Fee For Trademark Registration in Offline Mode 1st class of goods/ services: $CDN 437.72 For each additional class: $CDN 101.80 |
Fee For Trademark Renewal in Online Mode 1st class of goods/services: $CDN 407.18 For each additional class: $CDN 127.25 | Fee For Trademark Renewal in Offline Mode 1st class of goods/services: $CDN 508.98 For each additional class: $CDN 127.25 |
Fees for Extension of Time of Trademark Application in Canada: $CDN 125 Fee for Trademark Assignment/Transfer: $CDN 100 Fee for Filing Statement of Opposition: $CDN 763.47 Fee to amend the principal register or extend the statement of goods/services For the 1st Class of Goods & Services: $CDN 437.72 For Each Additional Class: $CDN 101.80 For More Notices Under Subsection 44 (1) or 45(1): $CDN 407.18 |
Trademarks in India
- Trademark Registration Authority of India: The Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, DPIIT
- Trademark Law of India: Trademarks Act, 1999
- Trademark Registration Duration in India: 18-24 months
*Trademark number is provided in 1-2 days of application filing.
- Free Trademark Search Database in India: Access Free Tools Here
Trademark Registration Fees in India
Online Mode | Offline Mode |
Trademark Registration Fee For Individual / Startup/Small Enterprise: INR 4,500 For Companies and others: INR 9,000 | Trademark Registration Fee For Individual / Startup/Small Enterprise: INR 5,000 For Companies and others: INR 10,000 |
Filing Opposition & Counter Statement: INR 2,700 | Filing Opposition & Counter Statement: INR 3,000 |
For Trademark Renewal: INR9,000 per class | For Trademark Renewal: INR 10,000 per class |
For Trademark Assignment /Transfer Pending Application, i.e., unregistered trademarks: INR 900 For registered trademarks within 6 months of transfer: INR 9,000 | For Trademark Assignment /Transfer Pending Application, i.e., unregistered trademarks: INR 1000 For registered trademarks within 6 months of transfer: INR 10,000 |
For Expedition of Trademark Registration Process: INR 40,000 | For Expedition of Trademark Registration Process: Not allowed in online applications |
For Adding A New Registered User: INR 4,500 | For Adding A New Registered User: INR 5,000 |
Handling Fees For Madrid Applications: INR 5,000 | Handling Fees For Madrid Applications: Not Allowed |
Add A Well-Known Trademark: INR 1,00,000 | Adding Well-Known Trademark: Not Allowed |