April 19, 2016

Comprehensive Trademark Search

Doing a comprehensive trademark search is important when it comes to protecting your brands and businesses. A thorough, effective and detailed trademark search determines whether there are similar marks being used in commerce on goods/services similar to those you intend to sell.

With this comprehensive trademark search service, our trademark search professionals search the USPTO registers, MADRID trademark search database along with state trademark registers, related common law databases, corporate name directories and top level-domain registers (ccTLDs and gTLDs from ICANN-accredited registrars) to unearth every relevant data.

No matter, if a trademark is active and cancelled/expired, our trademark search professionals will find out every detail that may have an impact on your intended mark to help you make informed decisions about your business.

 With this comprehensive trademark search package, we search for identical trademarks, variant spellings, phonetic equivalents and similar marks from USPTO, Madrid and State records to help you get data that can be of immense use for ensuring a robust trademark risk management solution in place.

To capture all important information pertaining to your intended mark not only we search the USPTO and Madrid database but also cover Common Law, Common Law Sources, Domain Name sources, Yellow and White Pages, Financial sources (like Hoovers, Dow Jones) and top US newspapers.

Important Features of the Comprehensive Trademark Search Service:

  • High-quality research by experienced trademark search professionals with stringent quality checks
  • Exhaustive USPTO and MADRID search
  • Exhaustive search of state records
  • Full Internet search (including search engines, yellow & white pages, financial disclosures etc.)
  • Detailed Identical mark searches
  • Spelling variants search will be done
  • Complete coverage of Phonetic equivalents
  • Complete coverage of State records
  • Thorough searching of Domain name sources


Sources that will be used for common law searches are:

  • SEC filings and top internet search engine results (like Google, Yahoo and Bing)
  • Business names & records
  • Financial sources (like Hoovers, Dow Jones)
  • Yellow and white pages
  • Top U.S. newspapers
  • Industry news
  • Cover country code domain names (ccTLDs) and generic top-level domains (gTLDs) from ICANN-accredited registrars.

In a nutshell, we can say is that should you are looking for a potent, effective and advanced trademark risk management package then our comprehensive trademark search is the best option to go for.

How experienced are the search professionals who will be undertaking the screening search?

All the team members who are associated with the search are well-experienced and well-acquainted with rules of trademark searching. They have successfully conducted trademark search for various clients ranging from biotech to hi-tech.

Will clients be provided with a report?

Yes, a detailed and specific electronic report will be provided to the client. The report will list all relevant identical and similar marks, classes of goods/services, descriptions of goods/services; owner’s name, registration & filing date everything that may be of critical value to clients.

Why do we need to cover phonetic variations?

Phonetic variations are words that sound-alike creating the possibility of confusion between the two words (for example ‘UREKA’ and ‘EUREKA’). Phonetic equivalents are important because they indicate how an existing mark may be perceived by a consumer as, too similar to your proposed mark. If phonetically equivalent marks exist in the same industry there is a strong possibility of consumer confusion and the proposed mark may be rejected. Thus, it is important for businesses to search phonetic variations of their word or mark that they are going to use.

Why do we need to Cover Foreign/Language Equivalents?

Language may sometimes create confusion in case of trademark registrations. For example, the Doctrine of Foreign Equivalents is a rule applied in United States trademark law requiring proposed marks in a foreign language be translated to determine whether they are confusingly similar to existing marks.

Simply put, it tests if some consumers who are familiar with the foreign language will find the proposed mark confusing and thus we need to address this issue right at the beginning. A foreign equivalent trademark search enables business rule out any such possibility.

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