Trademark clearance search

A trademark clearance search prevents the risk of similarity between your mark and an already registered mark with the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office).

TMReady provides you a comprehensive trademark clearance search that helps you to register your mark safely and easily. We work for many largest companies and organisations in the world. Also, we support and aid them in monetising and defending their IP rights. Our full Trademark clearance search and precise outcomes help them to lead innovation in the field and gain maximum profit.

Moreover, our Trademark clearance search, paralegal services, and latest technological tools provide optimised solutions at global level for the IP law firms. We collaborate with many non-government and government firms to commercialise and promote innovation. We have developed thorough knowledge, efficient practices, and analytical framework while serving for more than a decade.

What makes us different?

  • Comprehensive Reports:

TMReady provides a due-diligence report representing various process stages for a client. We provide a comprehensive amalgamation of technology analysis and landscape of the existing prior-art. Also, SWOT analysis and comparative analysis of competing technologies. Moreover, this includes potential licensing and value-chain analysis.

  • Strong Technical Report:

We consider every technical expectation of the client with consistent attentiveness. We provide a team of researchers to the clients that own with PhD’s and Master’s Degree. They serve them with suggestions on the novelty of the mark in case of requirement.

  • Customised Client Experience:

The primary objective of TMReady is the efficient and effective execution of client’s work with least turnaround time. An integral part of providing any service is to read client’s interest. Hence, we perform a thorough study on their requirement including the different stages of processing. Moreover, we provide customized services that provide you with obtaining the best within the cost. Our technical team allows you to remain in continuous touch with the ongoing stages of the complete process.

Our Trademark Clearance search variants:

  • AI search: The search is done with the aid of artificial intelligence. A software program digs out the required data according to the applied filters. This is the quickest way for the search.
  • Manual search: The manual search is performed with the help of experts that consider particular criteria or algorithm to search related content. It is more reliable and requires more time.
Trademark Search Monitoring Resources

Here you can Download our All free Resources:

Trademark Samples (Trademark Search and Monitoring), Guides, E-books, Case-studies, Approaches, Methodologies, etc.

Click Here to Download

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