A global trademark search, as the name implies, looks for trademarks all over the world. A trademark search with WIPO is necessary before filing a trademark. For the product or service that requires a trademark, you could come up with a unique term or expression. However, you must ensure that your word/phrase does not conflict with a previously registered trademark.
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Global Trademark Search: Importance & Benefits
The process of determining the originality of a trademark globally – in just one step – is what comprises global trademark searches. It’s beneficial for businesses that want to expand their operations into numerous countries. The procedure entails examining global databases for markings that are similar or identical. Furthermore, the patent and trademark offices may have previously registered or pending trademarks as well.
Thus, one cannot overstate the importance of conducting global trademark searches due to the points mentioned below.
- This is because the global protection that a brand enjoys has a significant impact on its value.
- In addition, in the previous five years, the trademark search market has evolved. It improves the process via the introduction of new tools, solutions, and services.
- Moreover, executing cost-effective and time-efficient global trademark searches is critical for India. Despite not being among the top countries with the most global filings, the country has been steadily improving. India is already one of the top five countries in the world for the number of domicile trademark filings.
As a result, low-cost global trademark search can advantageous for both, Indian and international businesses looking forward to growing their revenue.
Why Choose TMReady to conduct Professional Searches?
You’ve put a lot of effort into developing your brand. Aside from the money, there are hours of effort put into promotions, recognition, and making it relevant to your company’s core values. Before you put in this effort, you must be certain that you are on the proper track. That is what a global trademark search entails. Despite these considerations, you may feel the need for expert guidance.
TMReady has the most comprehensive and adaptable search coverage. To achieve this, we conduct all of our searches by hand rather than using computers. We also strive to make certain that our pricing is reasonable without sacrificing quality. Our promise to you is that you will be completely satisfied.
To make an inquiry, visit our website here.