A trademark is a mark, word, design or symbol that is used to identify the original source of a commodity or service. Filing for a trademark is not compulsory and under the Common Law Rules one has the liberty to do marketing of a commodity or service without having got it registered, still, when it comes to brand awareness and establishing your products unique in the market, getting a mark registered is important. In other words, we can say is that to get most out of your products it is important to file for a trademark.
With the growing demand for trademark search and trademark monitoring services, many KPOs and IP firms sprung up to satisfy these clients in their business-related endeavors. TMReady is one of them and since its inception, it has established itself as one of the reputed trademark search service providers in the domain of IP. This is not without reason that the company has managed to establish itself as one of the leading Trademark search and trademark monitoring service providers in this domain. Below are some of the points that will underline why it is so.
- Maintaining accuracy- Accuracy is one of the most important elements in a trademark search and it is important for service providers to prepare keyword-rich search terms covering various variations those are needed to get desired results. At TMReady, we do this by preparing search terms keeping in mind the following criteria.
- Covering terms those are identical and phonetically similar to the given one
- Preparing keywords with prefix, suffix, and infix
- Creating keywords with plural and stemming
- Preparing keywords with consonant and vowel similarities
- Creating keywords with acronyms and abbreviations
- Misspellings and orthographic similarities
- Full Common Law search- Unlike patents, trademarks are granted on first come first serve basis and hence getting a mark registered for trademark is not compulsory. As long as you have a proof of use, you can claim your mark and thus it becomes important for trademark search professionals to take care of the Common Laws prevailing in the United States and some other jurisdictions. We at “TMReady” understand this and thus choke out a comprehensive Common Law Search plan to spot even a single event of significance. To achieve this we do the following search while covering Common Laws.
- Domain name Search
- Business name Search
- Social media search
- Social name search
- Web search
- Updated and fresh data- While doing a comprehensive trademark search, it is important for the searcher to provide fresh and updated data. We, at TMReady, take care of this fact and thus come up with data that are fresh and updated. To ensure this each file is sent with updated date.
- Maintaining confidentiality- At TMReady, we understand the importance of confidentiality and thus take every measure to protect the confidentiality of your data. With us, rest assured that your data is in safe hands.
To know in details about our services and expert consultation, please refer to our service page. Please feel free to have a look at our free sample search reports available on our website.